School has been back in for a couple of weeks and things are running about as smoothly as can be expected (which is to say not at all). No matter, I've been teaching my lessons and doing my best to get the students back into the school mentality. So far so good.
With my grant project I hit a pretty major snag. I'm happy to say my partners and I sat down and came up with a work-around. Having surmounted a major challenge makes me confident
our team can really make this thing work.
Other than that, I've been up in Parakou (a northern city) for a couple of days now. We had our regional Volunteer meeting. We also used the time to kill, butcher, and grill a sheep. It was delicious and a lot of fun.
Elections are coming up soon. I had planned to watch them with some other volunteers, but I don't want to spend all of that time out of village. I'll probably make my way with a friend or two up to Glazoue Wednesday, grab a beer, and watch some satellite TV.
Not much more to report. I'm alive and doing fine. Going to be out of contact for a while, I think.