Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pork Fest Day 3: Thursday

On the third day we all rolled out of bed admiring one another's bulging pot bellies. Brunch was on the menu. That meant breakfast sausage, igname latkes, home made apple sauce, pit roast part 2: the return of the feast, more biscuits, and scrambled eggs. Not surprisingly we all seemed to be moving at a quarter speed in the early hours. We didn't get around to eating until nearly 1:30.

After that many of us lumbered off to grab a cab to Cotonou so they could be there on the 4th to meet the new volunteers that were on their way. So those sad few of us who were left cleaned the mess and got the house into some semblance of order. Then it was time to get ready for dinner (leftovers) and relax.

Pork Fest was clearly a huge success. It took a lot of cooperation, and good humor to make things move so smoothly and we couldn't have asked for a better group. Gourmandizing isn't in the Peace Corps handbook but it certainly seems to fit. I guess its a binge and purge life here in Benin, and as long as ribs are involved, I'm in.

1 comment:

Paul Banbury said...

Mmmmm good piggy. I bet you come to really understand why feasting is such a pleasure and a part of cultures everywhere? Makes our holiday dinners more palatable??